Category Archives: politics



Posted By Guy Smith On May 28, 2012 @ 9:30 am

“Honour was honour, it clothed a man better than a fine jacket before the eyes of his neighbors.”

This passage from John Prebble’s Culloden explains why Barack Obama has lost the south and may from that lose reelection.

Prebble was writing about Scottish Highlanders in the age of Jacobite revolution. Among the tribes of Scotland, and in their modern mindset, honor is elemental. In societies that rely on mutual trust to survive, honor is essential to commerce, neighborly relations and commitments. To live in a land where one protects his honor and demands honorable actions from all others, to forsake that substance means to lose human standing.

After The 45,( once the English had raped and hung Scots, burned their homes and salted their fields, many Highlanders fled for the New World, settling largely in the south. The Smokey Mountains and Appalachian terrain suited them. Highlanders brought their families who were in tatters and their honor which was still intact. This contributed to the widespread sense of honor that seeps into most southern men’s blood to this day (and with Dixiecrats occupying more and more terra firma, honor is rapidly solidifying). The Southern code of honor requires treating everyone with respect until they prove unworthy, and nothing makes a man more unworthy than to be dishonorable.

This explains why Obama has no traction below Washington D.C.

Honor requires many things, and in no small part is facilitated by leaving your neighbors alone while demanding the same.

It is expected to insist others behave properly in public, but it is utterly inappropriate to tell them what to do in their homes or with their money. It is honorable to give generously to charity and loathsome to demand tribute to government run charities. It is honorable to stand for office on the promise to tame government and make it your servant, and vile to use government to enslave.

As is obvious, every Obama policy is repugnant to Southern honor, which explains that large swath of red in the latest Election Projection presidential polling map.

Southerners recognize government as necessary yet prone to abuse. Obama, in his election year vow to “make government cool again” did the opposite by force feeding it to an unwilling American public. Enacting Obamacare when as much as 69% of the public opposed it, reneging on his vow to use only public financing for his election, to spend nearly a trillion dollars promising economic revival but actually buying government union votes with the lucre, to squander taxes on energy policy “investments” with unworthy and dishonorable campaign donors … well, the pattern emerges.

No action, regardless of how noble it was spun, masked Obama’s deeply dishonorable deeds.

In the age of the citizen media, such disreputable doings were instantly revealed, and people with honor abandoned Obama.

It is agonizing to write this on Memorial Day, when tribute is paid to those who proved they possessed the ultimate in honor. The contrast is too sharp, the divide too clear. Fallen warriors gave their very being to preserve a land dedicated to the most honorable notion, that people must be free. That their country is now oppressed by a man unfamiliar with honor, unacquainted with universal freedom, devoid of the character content that another Southerner (M.L. King) deemed sacred – this situation is our collective moment of dishonor.

Article printed from Cowboy Confessional:

URL to article:

Copyright © 2011 Guy Smith. All rights reserved.

Grammar & spelling corrected and piece posted by The Patriarch

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Most Biblically Hostile U.S. President

Despotism: Encyclopaedia 1946 Film

Deformed Heart of Obamacare

Basic Economics Facts & Fallacies

Samual Adams Quote

“The liberties of our country,

the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards;

it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.

We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors.

They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood.

It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation

– enlightened as it is – 

if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”

– Samuel Adams

Well, today I must be on a tear…

And to help you identify those in the above photo – – –

Blessings, ~Mrs. R (aka Aunt Mae)

Despotism: Encyclopaedia Brittannica Film from 1946

The Patriarch found this one for me too!  Isn’t he the greatest!??!!!  😉

Our forebears were warned, in school no less!  Yet here we are today sliding ever closer to despotism.  God help us.

Blessings, ~Mrs.R (aka Aunt Mae)

If I Were the Devil

This was recorded in 1965!  All of these things have come true, so sadly true.

This was Paul Harvey.   Good day.

Blessings, ~Mrs. R (aka Aunt Mae)

Children Read to Dogs at Virigina Library

A public library in Virginia is sponsoring a program for children to read books . . .  to dogs.  The Alexandria, Virginia, library “Paws to Read” program has children in grades 1-6 reading books to dogs. The flier promoting the program, paid for through Alexandria City tax dollars, is here:

In the program, parents are not allowed in the room when the children are reading to the dogs.  The dogs, advocates boast, won’t judge or correct the children.  The judgment-free and correction-free dog reading zone, naturally, has roots in academia.  The University of California at Davis produced a study called “Reading to Rover” that catalogs the benefits of children reading to dogs, instead of with parents.

One child in the UCAL Davis study described why she prefers reading to dogs… read the rest here.

In the photo above… this is a 13 -14 year old male and he is reading a Golden Book.  He is reading a little kiddie book!!  Yikes.

Chalk this up as another albeit strange reason why we homeschool.

So not only do you have to pay your hard earned money (via your property taxes) to pay for schools to not teach your child to read.  You also get to pay with your hard earned money to have your child read to the dog in another attempt to ‘teach’ the child to read when the school couldn’t do their job.

Remember this the next time your school system wants you to vote for another tax increase — it’s for the children.

Blessings, ~Mrs. R (aka Aunt Mae)

Other posts you may be interested in:

Why We Homeschool

IndoctriNation the Movie

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Broken Arm Blessings – Arrow Learns Kitchen Knife Skills & Cooking

Homeschooling A Sick Child

WallBuilders – Issues and Articles – America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President

WallBuilders – Issues and Articles – America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President.

We must never forget this.

Blessings,   ~Mrs. R (aka Aunt Mae)

2012 WA GOP Caucus – Pierce County


Lest anyone in the “mainstream” media tries to tell you that there was a small turnout for the Washington state precinct caucuses this morning…

I personally took the above photo while standing in line with The Patriarch and Arrow.  My photo was taken about 10 – 15 minutes BEFORE 10 AM when it was all supposed to start.  At that moment in time there was a LONGER line behind us than in front of us!!  No, I did not photograph that.  Should have though!

There was so much going on inside, and so little time to get it all done in that I took no photos of the caucus proceedings.  Well that was really only part of the reason… there was standing room only and VERY LITTLE room to have taken any photos!

What a great problem to have today!!

The precinct caucus ‘planners/workers’ thought 500 would show up… and I believe there were OVER 1000 here at this one caucus this morning.

At my particular district’s table we had 22 registered voters show up!

I will say it here for the first time…

we supported Ron Paul.

May the Good Lord go before us!  God save our country.

Blessings, ~Mrs. R (aka Aunt Mae)

UPDATE: My area’s caucus in Pierce county was a ‘pooled’ caucus.  There were AT LEAST twice as many show up as expected.  EVERYONE got in to vote.  NO ONE was turned away.  We had to keep on track but we did get through ALL the voting for delegates AND the platform questions.  Our table was one of the largest and we finished up right at noon.  Clean up commenced right after wards with chairs stacked, tables folded, all put back into storage room and I even had Arrow go around and pick up any papers on the floor.  🙂  Clean up was completed and we were out the door in half an hour.  There were still a few stragglers, but they were mostly standing around and talking at that point.

One thing I noticed was at my table there were few Ron Paul supporters.  Many at other tables, but not mine.  One family did come from my district and all 4 of them volunteered as delegates… they were for Romney.  Ron Paul supporters did have a great table set up with literature.  Many at our table were wearing support buttons or stickers.

There were few, very few supporters for Newt Gringrich.  Kind of equally split between Mitt, Ron & Rick.  Just my general impression of my caucus today!

Online Course – Constitution 101

Constitution 101:

“The Meaning and History of the Constitution”

About Constitution 101

“Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution” is a 10-week online course presented by Hillsdale College.

Featuring an expanded format from the “Introduction to the Constitution” lecture series with Hillsdale College President Dr. Larry Arnn, Constitution 101 follows closely the one-semester course required of all Hillsdale College undergraduate students.

In this course, you can:

  • watch lectures from the same Hillsdale faculty who teach on campus;
  • study the same readings taught in the College course;
  • submit questions for weekly Q&A sessions with the faculty;
  • access a course study guide;
  • test your knowledge through weekly quizzes; and
  • upon completion of the course, receive a certificate from Hillsdale College.

You must register in order to participate in Constitution 101. Even if you have already signed up for a previous Hillsdale webcast or seminar, we ask that you complete the simple registration process for Constitution 101. There is no cost to register for this course, but we ask that you consider a donation to support our efforts to educate millions of Americans about our nation’s Founding documents and principles.

Questions? Email

Constitution 101 Schedule

Each lecture is pre-recorded and lasts approximately 40 minutes. Lectures and other study materials will be released by noon each Monday according to the schedule. Once released, they are available to view at your convenience.

You will receive an email each week informing you that new material is available.

  1. The American Mind
    Larry P. Arnn
    Monday, February 20
  2. The Declaration of Independence
    Thomas G. West
    Monday, February 27
  3. The Problem of Majority Tyranny
    David Bobb
    Monday, March 5
  4. Separation of Powers: Preventing Tyranny
    Kevin Portteus
    Monday, March 12
  5. Separation of Powers: Ensuring Good Government
    Will Morrisey
    Monday, March 19
  6. Religion, Morality, and Property
    David Bobb
    Monday, March 26
  7. Crisis of Constitutional Government
    Will Morrisey
    Monday, April 2
  8. Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution
    Kevin Portteus
    Monday, April 9
  9. The Progressive Rejection of the Founding
    Ronald J. Pestritto
    Monday, April 16
  10. The Recovery of the Constitution
    Larry P. Arnn
    Monday, April 23

Mitt Romney, Mormonism and the 2012 Election

I knew I wouldn’t ever vote for Mitt Romney.  Couldn’t ever… even if he is the Republican nominee.  There was just ‘something’…

But I wasn’t able to elaborate on what that ‘something’ is.

Until today.

I have appreciated Eric Holmberg and the Apologetics Group for a few years now.  I am still digesting all that is in the Amazing Grace: The History & Theology of Calvinism DVD & Study Guide.  🙂  This set if currently on sale for $9.95 (normally $29.95).  I am not an affiliate.

Today I appreciate Eric Holmberg for his clarity on this issue and making a YouTube video to explain it all.  🙂

Blessings, ~Mrs. R (aka Aunt Mae)

The Deformed Heart of Obamacare

The Patriarch just read this to me and I HAD to share this with y’all.

Bigoted Barack, Red in Tooth and Clause

By on 2.10.12 @ 6:09AM

The deformed heart of monstrous Obamacare is sick and secularist social engineering.

Modern liberalism is willfulness writ large — a godless ideology that rests upon the caprice of central planners. Under it, the fluctuating and often frightening desires of corrupt men, rather than the changeless will of a caring God, form the shaky measure of “good government.” As the grim chapters of recent history show — chapters written in the blood of millions of unborn children and other “undesirables” — taking God out of “goodness” drains the term of any coherent meaning, leaving mankind at the mercy of power-seeking ideologues.

Pope Benedict XVI calls modern liberalism the “dictatorship of relativism,” a phrase that neatly summarizes the Obama administration as it moves to… 

The remainder of this article is at the American Spectator and WELL worth the read.

Blessings, ~Mrs.R (aka Aunt Mae)