Tag Archives: Elegant Cascade

EASY Long-Hair Style – Elegant Cascade

It is yet another hot day here in the Pacific Northwest.

OK, hot for us.  We moss-covered folks are just NOT used to 80 plus degree weather… we… glisten (as they say in the south)!!

Another day for yet another EASY way to get my waist-length, naturally curly hair off of my back.  Can you tell I like easy styles? Using Flexi-clips has allows me MUCH more variety in hair styles all while being so easy to do!  The Flexi-clips are also much more comfortable than barrettes or the ugly plastic claw.

This one comes with a tutorial!!  It is my very first  tutorial.  I would love your feedback on this.  You can see a pictorial only tutorial on my Pinterest Hair Styles board.  You can follow me on Pinterest for more of these kinds of pictorial tutorials.  I am planning other Pinterest only surprises… 🙂  You won’t want to miss them!

Elegant Cascade Hair Style

Items you will need: one barrette, one Flexi-clip (I used a medium Celtic Cross)

1. I start with my hair all down.  This is recently washed, scrunched up with some products to help keep down the frizzies, and it is mostly dry.

     2. Put your hair into a half-up, secured with a barrette.

3.  Gather your hair into a ponytail and hold in right hand.  Place your left hand against the back of your head with the pinkie just under the barrette.  Pull the ponytail up while sliding your hand along the pony until it is just above the barrette.

Fold the ponytail so there is a ‘bulb’ of hair about 2 inches in length(it can be longer or shorter) above the barrette.  You may have to adjust the size Flexi-clip you use so the folded ponytail won’t slip out.

4.  Remove your left hand from under the raised ponytail and hold onto the folded ‘bulb’ of hair just above the barrette.  While continuing to hold the folded ponytail, place the decorative part of the Flexi-clip onto the folded ponytail and slide the attached pin underneath and above the barrette.  Slide the pin into the Flexi-clip.

Have a great week and keep cool with your hair up!

Blessings, ~Aunt Mae (aka ~Mrs. R)

I am a Lilla Rose consultant and links go directly to my website where you can purchase this clip as well as other clips and hair jewelry.

Other posts that may be of interest to you:

So EASY to Style my Hair With Style!

This post also linked here:  The Better Mom, What joy is Mine, Raising Arrows, Homestead Revival, Far Above Rubies, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, Thankful Homemaker, Raising Homemakers, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, We are THAT Family, Deep Roots at Home, A Mother’s Heritage, Women Living Well, Intentional Me, Our Simple Country Life, At the Picket Fence, Best Post of the Week, Serenity Now, Homemaker by Choice, Comfy in the Kitchen, Finding Beauty, Fashion Friday, GNOWFGLINS,