Tapestry of Grace Virtual Conference!

Tapestry of Grace isn’t going to be at your local convention this year, but you can enjoy attending a conference workshop with Marcia or Scott Somerville anyway! In recent years, because of the demands of writing Tapestry, Marcia and Scott have only been able to attend a handful of conferences where they gave audiences the benefit of their 20+ years of homeschooling wisdom.

The Somervilles realized this year that because they are not going to conferences, they actually have the opportunity to share tips and wisdom with more listeners than they would if they got onto airplanes! Now that conference season has arrived, and most of us are finishing up school, the Somervilles are planning to speak with as many of us as want to come over the next two months. Through the benefit of free conferencing software, all you’ll need is a telephone and an Internet connection in order to hear them talk and see their PowerPoint slide presentations.

Are you new to the Somervilles as speakers? Wherever they go, they get top audience ratings!
Click here to see all the webinars that you can register for today–or follow the link below:

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